Sunday, December 8, 2019
Introduction To Health Safety Construction -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Introduction To Health Safety Construction? Answer: Introduction Risks are likely to occur during the project implementation stage. The only action which can be taken to ensure that the implementation stage continuous well is coming up with a perfect plan to mitigate the available risks. From the contract negotiation to the handover, risks are ever present. The risk plan therefore has to identify the risks available in the projects right from the contracting period (In Ratay, 2012). This will ensure that successful completion of the project is attained. Some of the key risks in the contractual documents include wrong contract sum awarding to the project. This will mean that the contract sum will not be able to complete the project and lead to stalling of the project. Involving proper personnel with experience will ensure that the project negotiation details are well done and ensure that the time allocation and project sum mare sufficient to complete the project. Another key risk which may be experienced is on the technical part of the project. Man y construction projects are able to stall due to lack of workable technical details. The technical parts are important. The contract must be able to analyze all the technical details and ensure they are well workable. This will ensure that the progress on work is not hinders through evaluation of the technical details when found they cannot be implemented on field. In addition, in order to ensure work progress is maintained, proper logistics must be placed on board. The logistics ensures that all the requirements are delivered to the team for them to ensure they complete the work on allocated team (Bissonette, 2016). In addition, the logistics ensures that all the project details are well clarified and issues are addressed on time. The logistics ensures that the contract period is well kept and works are completed on time for handover. Unclear plan on material deliver on site, payment of workers and poor quality materials are some of the logistical issues which may be experienced du ring the project execution. In addition, another area which has risks is the construction process. Lack of proper planning is one of the key risks which are experienced in the construction process. The WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project (19735 Project 4) is not different and likely to experience the same risk. Therefore proper planning to solve such risk and mitigate them are needed. The planning for mitigation of the risks needs to be done early enough to ensure proper project completion. In addition, financial risks are key problems which affect construction projects during project implementation. Proper contract agreements must be arrived at on matters of payment. Securing financial assistance early enough is a key resolution which will ensure progress of works is done well. Financial difficulties are key risks which are able to make project stall and lead to their incompletion. Proper address of the financial risks will ensure that the works continue well and completion timeline is met. In addition, addressing these risks will ensure that the workers are well motivated since they are able to receive their financial compensation on time. This paper will analyze all these risks and look at different ways which can be implemented to mitigate them in relation to the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project (19735 Project 4) project. Risk Assessment All processes are able to carry some level of risk in them. This is the same in construction project implementation. The major part for the projects is to identify the risks and be able to come up with a mitigation plan (Pritchard, 2015). The risk assessment is able to help in the risk identification in the different processes of the project implementation. This will be done in relation to the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project (19735 Project 4) project. This part will identify the different risks which are likely to occur and assess their level of occurrence. The risks are likely to affect the project output and therefore their output is important to ensure that the work progress is not affected. Identification The contractual process is important for any project implementation. There are key risks which are likely to affect the implementation or a project once the contractor is chosen. Proper detail analysis is one of the processes which must be done by the contract. This includes the site visitation to ensure that the working conditions in site are well laid off (In Fraser, In Simkins In Narvaez, 2015). Land issues and risks are key risk which has been able to hinder the start off of projects at different site. This happens where the contractor is not aware of the working site and has not done any background check on the site. Proper site visitation and site background checks are able to mitigate the risk of the contract being unable to kick off the work. Site search is a key process which can be done to ensure that this type of risk does not happen. This has to happen before the contract is signed to ensure work is not affected. The site managers, contractor and the project owners are k ey stakeholders which can be involved in this process. In addition, analysis of the contract details is important before contract signing for the contractor. The contractor has to involve qualified personnel to check the documents. This included proper preparation of the different document such as bill of quantities to ensure proper pricing is done for the different elements. Improper pricing of element will lead to financial risks. This will lead to the project being unable to be completed due to lack of financial support. Brainstorming is a key process which will be involved in this process to identify the risks. Involving professional will ensure that the risks are mitigated and their occurrence is reduced as much as possible. The analysis of the risks in this process must be analyzed before contract signing and work starts. This will ensure that the documents provided must be analyzed well by a professional. In addition, logistics processes are able to lead to key risks in the project implementation. The payment issues are some of key logistical issues which may alter the implementation process of a project. Lack of proper payment of workers may lead to strikes which may affect the working plan and schedule. The project managers are able to play a key role in ensuring that the payment issues are well enhanced (Smith, Merna, Jobling, 2014). In addition, ensuring proper payment plan will ensure the issues and risk of financial strikes are well solved. The plan on when to pay the workers can be done at the beginning of the project. This will ensure that the workers logistics are well solved and ensures that the workers issues are well solved. In addition, the logistic issues have to make sure the different materials are delivered when required on site. Lack of material deliver can result to stalling of the working schedule. The logistical issues regarding materials may also involve the qua lity required. The logistic team has to make sure that they consult well on what is needed and when it is required. This will minimize the material logistic issues and the materials are well delivered. Financial issues are highly likely to affect the working conditions in construction sites. Lack of timely payment and delivery of financials high affect the working progress for many projects. In this project, analysis of payment details and schedule must be delivered and ensure that the finances are available all through the project span. In addition, proper planning details must be done early enough to ensure that the contractor wont depend on client to finance the progress of works. In addition, construction risks are likely to affect work progress. This involves key issues which include the safety factors during working (Hughes Ferrett, 2016). Wrong understanding of the technical details may lead to wrong construction which will likely to affect the implementation. The set up of substandard structures which are not defined in the technical details will increase the cost of implementation of the project. OSHA teams together with the project management team play a key role in redu cing and analysis the construction risks. Brainstorming process to ensure that the construction process goes well for the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project will be effected. The teams will ensures that the construction issues such as safety are well identified and mitigation mechanisms are enhanced. Analysis and Evaluation The contractual risks may affect the whole implementation cycle. Lack of enough finances may lead to complete stalling of the project. The contract risks must be mitigated to ensure that all parties are able to benefit and enhance the quality of work delivered. In addition, the contract risks may affect the quality of work being done. Short implementation period and budget may lead to the contractor delivering substandard work. In addition, longer time taken to resolve the contract disputed may lead to extension of project timelines. This will mean delays on start off of the project and therefore delay in completion time. The likelihood of the contractual risks occurring depends on the analysis contract documents. Contractual risks occurrence likelihood is usually low and their impact to the impact is high whenever they occur. Technical risks are also costly affair for the construction projects. The availability of the technical risks may likely affect the working progress. For instant, wrong understanding of the technical drawings may affect the working schedule (Taylor, 2000). This will mean that the project will take longer than it is scheduled. In addition, the cost of the project may escalate due to the technical risks. For instance, wrong understanding of the may lead to wrong working which will later lead to demolishing of the structure. The timeframe and costs of the projects will escalate due to the technical risks. For the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project, technical issue will be able to affect the time and cost. This may lead to lack of completion of the project. The technical risks have highly likelihood of occurring during the start of the project. Nevertheless, with proper professionals, the likelihood is low and the seriousness is usually low with the proper type of worker force. The logistical risks may arise from different framework in WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project. The materials quality can be able to affect the quality of output. This will even affect the design lifetime of the project during use (Hassani, 2016). In addition, in another perspective, the logistical issues can be experienced when the workers issues are not well addressed in time. This will leads to issues of strikes which will affect the timeline schedule of the project. In addition, the time taken to complete a project will define the cost factors for the project. The increased timeline will mean that the cost of the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project will increase. The likelihood of the risk to occur depends with the handling of the logistical issues by the logistic team. Careless handling of the issue will increase the likelihood of the issue to occur. When they occur, the impact and seriousness is usually high and has great impact on project progress. In addition, financial issues are able to affect the timeline for project implementation. The financial risks are able to affect the work quality and lead to reduced benefits of project. If not handled early, the financial risks have highly likelihood of occurring. Overall, the financial risks have a medium likelihood of occurring in WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project. Seriousness Likelihood Low Medium High Extreme Low N D C A Medium D C B A High C B A A Risk Mitigation The mitigation plan will highly depend on the seriousness and likelihood of the risk occurring in the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project. The classification of the mitigation plans will depend on the category which the specific risks are able to fall (Lock, 2016). The urgency on solution and mitigation plan will depend on the time of risk occurrence and the way it is able to affect the progress of works in the project. As identified, the risks classified in category A have the greatest negative impact on the projects and are highly likely to occur on the projects. The impacts are able to reduce on the projects from category A, B, C, D and N. The financial risks are likely to occur and will able to be classified under category A. the impact of these risks are able to affect the progress of the works in this projects and therefore will be given high priority incase of their occurrence. Proper financial plans will be laid and checked on after very month. This plan will be able to identify any occurrence risks of these plans. The project management team will have a crucial role in assessing the likelihood of the risks occurring during the analysis period. The analysis will mean that the budget of the project is control and kept at the assigned amount. Another category of risks will be classified on class B. these risks will have a high impact on the project and high likelihood of happening. Nevertheless, their impact will not be able to match the impact on the risks in class A. some of the key risks which can be categorized in this class in WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project include the wrong materials delivery, design faults risks and construction risks. In order to mitigate the risks, proper personnel will be involved in the different stages of the construction in this project. This will ensures that each process is carried out according to the set plan. The engineers and logistics team will be able to carry out most of mitigation plans in the risks in this category. These risks will be able to create crisis on the budget since they will be able to escalate the budget when they occur. Another class of risks in this project will be on class C. this will involve risks which have medium likelihood of occurring and medium impact on the project. In order to resolve these risks, time can be taken to analyze and they can be mitigate with time. Logistic issues involving workers welfare are some of the risks which are able to fall on this category. In addition, safety risks in this project will be classified under this category. Proper analysis of the risks occurrence will be taken and their point of occurrence be mitigated. The involved people will be drawn from the specific field where the risk is able to occur. For instance, in case of the security issues, the OSHA and workers welfare team will be involved to mitigate the risk. Analysis of the risk occurring will be carried out in monthly basis to ensure any loopholes of the risks occurring are mitigated. Lastly class D and N will be other categories of risks which will be found on this project. These classes involve risks which have low likelihood of occurring and also attribute to low level of impact on the project. Construction risks such as lack of understanding of the technical materials will be classified on this category. Risk Monitoring Monitoring the risks will be a vital tool which will be used in WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project. The monitoring will be time which will be taken for the team to review the mitigation plan and level at which the different processes are at risk of occurring (Bissonette, 2016). The risk monitoring will highly borrow from the risk occurrence and likelihood process. In addition, for the different risks, the report to the project manager and steering committees will be delivered different. Under the risk monitoring, the schedule will be able to indicate the frequency on which the report will be delivered. In addition, the steering committee will be able to check only the risk monitoring report on class A and B. the project manager will be able to review all the report according to the monitoring schedule. Risk type Involved personnel. Monitoring schedule Delivering report to steering committee A Project manager and client Weekly Weekly B Contractor and project manager Weekly Monthly C Contractors Monthly Monthly D OSHA team Monthly Monthly N Contractor, workers Daily Weekly Roles and Responsibilities In WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project, there are different team members who have key roles in ensuring that the risks are well identified and mitigated. The members will have different responsibilities to ensure that risk identification and analysis process goes well (Pritchard, 2016). Lastly, the team will ensure that the perfect mitigation measures are put in place to ensure that the project is completed on time as it is scheduled. The following three team members will have the highest responsibility in the risk management plan. The teams will be able to identify the risks, access them and their impacts to the project and lastly come up with the plan which they will execute to mitigate the risks. Steering Committee The steering committee will have the highest responsibility of monitoring the projects progress. In addition, they will be involved in the monitoring of the key risks which are likely to have the greatest impact on the project. This team will be involved in the analysis of the risks in category A and B. for all the risks, the steering committee will be involved in the risks identification and analysis process. They will then handover the monitoring of the other risks to other teams and collaborate with the project managers to monitor the mitigation of risks in class A and B. The committee will be able to receive the report on these risks on weekly and monthly basis respectively. They will analyze the reports and therefore come up with any suggestions to enhance the mitigation plans. Any updated on risk register during implementation process will be forwarded to the steering committee through the project manager. Project Manager The project manager will be a vital member in WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project. The project manager will come up with the guide of preparing the risks management plan. He will be involved in all the risk identification, assessment and mitigation plans for this project. The manager will be vital in monitoring the management plan for the risks and able to identify the challenges involved (Lock, 2016). Through this the project manager will be able to come up with new ways of mitigation and emerging risks or better ways of mitigating the available risks. In addition, the project manger will be able to provide the key reports to the steering committee on the risk management plan for the risks in class A and B. The project manager will be able to provide any changes which the project team has done on the field to enhance the implementation of the risk management. Project Team The project team will have the greatest responsibility of assisting the project manager in risk identification, analysis and mitigation. In addition, the team will be able to suggest any new methods which can be applied to mitigate the risks and therefore be updated on the registry. Throughout the WSI Blue Mountains TAFE project, the project team will be able to mitigate and implement the risk management plan. They will be able to report any risk which had not been captured to the project manager. References Bissonette, M. (2016). Project risk management: A practical implementation approach. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania : Project Management Institute, Inc. Hassani, B. (2016). Scenario analysis in risk management: theory and practice in finance. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Hughes, P., Ferrett, E. (2016). Introduction to health and safety in construction: For the NEBOSH national certificate in construction health and safety. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. In Fraser, J. R. S., In Simkins, B. J., In Narvaez, K. (2015). Implementing enterprise risk management: Case studies and best practices. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley. In Ratay, R. T. (2012). Temporary structures in construction. New York, N.Y: McGraw-Hill Education LLC. Jackson, B. J. (2010). Construction Management JumpStart: The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Lock, D. (2016). Project management in construction. London: Routledge. Pritchard, C. L. (2015). Risk management: Concepts and guidance. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, Taylor Francis Group. Smith, N. J., Merna, T., Jobling, P. (2014). Managing risk in construction projects. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : John Wiley Sons Inc. Taylor, M. (2000). Avoiding claims in building design: risk management in practice. Oxford, England: Blackwell Science.
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